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Monticello Trail


Saunders-Monticello Trail, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Best Nature Play Themes

Park Narrative Summary & Directions

The Saunders-Monticello Trail system has two primary entrances, one at Monticello and one off of Dairy Marn Rd. The main trail is a wide, accessible path that runs parallel to Thomas Jefferson Parkway. There are also smaller trails that branch off to scenic overlooks and other access points. The trail is mostly built as a contained boardwalk that weaves through the trees. While it is not encouraged to stray from the trail, there are opportunities for learning along the trail itself from the labels for much of the nearby plant life. There are also great designated picnic areas set aside along the trail.

All Nature Play Themes

Risk Play Opportunities

There are not very many opportunities for risk play along this trail, as it is mostly a contained boardwalk.

Transportation Infrastructure

There are parking areas at both ends of the trail. The nearest bus access is across Route 20 at PVCC. There is not adequate pedestrian/bicycle infrastructure to access the trail.

Accessibility Considerations

This is an excellent park for persons with mobility limitations. The trail is wide and paved/built with little variation in topography.

Safety Factors

This trail is very safe, since it is mostly contained and very busy.

Ecological Educational Opportunities

There are many labels to pant life that create great learning opportunities.