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Schenk’s Greenway & John Warner Parkway


Schenk's Greenway, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Best Nature Play Themes

Park Narrative Summary & Directions

This is a linear park sequence that begins along McIntire Road and continues northwards along John W Warner Parkway. It is defined by a bike and pedestrian pathway that makes its way first along the roadway and then parallel to Meadow Creek through forested areas. Access to this park space is easiest for pedestrians and bicyclists. Those arriving by car can park at McIntire Park and enter the Parkway at the intersection of the 250 Bypass and John W Warner Parkway. Access by bus is similarly limited, with the nearest bus stop located at McIntire Park or on Park Street to the east of the Parkway.

All Nature Play Themes

Risk Play Opportunities

If one ventures off the pathway, fallen branches could be tripping hazards. Along the water’s edge, there are, similarly, exposed branches and rocks. High undergrowth could make one feel lost, although the linear nature of the park would make getting truly lost difficult.

Transportation Infrastructure

The closest parking lot is at McIntire Park. Bus stops are at McIntire Park and on Park Street.

Accessibility Considerations

This park is accessible to those with disabilities. A 6ft wide asphalt path is continuous throughout the length of the Greenway/Parkway sequence.

Safety Factors

This park feels safe. The pathway is well frequented by those on a walk, joggers, and bicyclists.

Ecological Educational Opportunities

Eroded stream banks along Meadow Creek are in need of protection and could serve as an educational opportunity.